RRP: £1,497 +VAT

Discounted price: £497 +VAT



Virtual workshop held on: Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd, and Saturday 23rd November 2024

Virtual workshop held on: Thursday 12th, Friday 13th, and Saturday 14th December 2024

Want to access all the details?

We've put together a prospectus which gives you a detailed overview of exactly what we'll be covering on the three-day workshop.

Just click the button below to view (you don't need to register):

Access The Fast Track Prospectus NOW


The Property Development Fast Track workshop is an intensive three-day virtual workshop for those looking to ‘fast track’ their route into property development.

  • It’s aimed at investors, business owners, property professionals, and anyone looking to make the transition out of a job or career and into the world of property development
  • It’s also for landlords wanting to supercharge their portfolio growth by using small-scale property developments to fund their deposits
  • The workshop is geared to those looking to get into development quickly, those who may have already embarked on a development journey but who need more support, and those wanting to have a thorough overview of development before embarking on additional, more focused training

I joined the Property Development 3 day Fast Track Workshop with a view to see how we can move our property business forward from single lets and HMO’s. Now after the 3 days and a day to absorb it I’m completely blown away with the content and delivery. I can’t believe the depth we’ve been able to go through in just 3 days and highlighted for me so many shortcomings of the way we have been doing things and now we know, we’ll be doing things very differently on the next projects we’ve got lined up.

 The workshop has enabled me to overcome my own mindset hurdles to move our business to the next level. It has opened my eyes up to so many potential opportunities and the level of due diligence required to ensure that we mitigate as many of the risks upfront. I feel re-energized by putting on paper our 5-year plan and focusing on why we need to do this. 

Thank you to Ian and Ritchie and the team for going above and beyond and answering every single question I and other people had throughout the workshop! 

— Harvey G.


The training is based on our flagship Mentorship Programme and features the same guiding principles and strategies, including our famous ‘8 Pillars’ model which has guided many new developers to success...

  • Learn how to find deals that return 20%+ profits; deals that many others overlook or never even get sight of
  • Discover how to raise all the finance you need for your development projects, even where you have limited investment capital yourself
  • Create a property development brand from scratch that will give you instant credibility, even if you’ve no previous property experience
  • Learn how to quickly build a team of highly-experienced professionals who will be very happy to work with you and be part of your team
  • Understand the key business and mindset skills needed to be successful in property development – from people with a proven track record in business and property
  • Create your own ‘six-figure roadmap’ based on your own personal situation, so you can go forward from the workshop and turn property development into a reality
  • All Your Questions Answered Live. This is not a pre-recorded training. Join Ritchie, Ian, and the team LIVE on the workshop for three days of intensive property development training
  • A complete run-through of the 8-Pillar framework we teach on our Mentorship Programme. No half-measures - you will learn how these eight pillars combine to create the perfect framework for your property development ventures
  • Money-Back Guarantee: Not sure whether this training is for you? Or perhaps you want to make sure that the training is as good as we say it is? Well, let US take the risk - if you find that the workshop isn't for you, just let us know before the halfway point and we'll give you ALL your money back, IN FULL

There are only two dates currently available, and places are limited on each workshop to ensure maximum interaction with students.

To book your place, click one of the buttons below:

Virtual workshop held on: Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd, and Saturday 23rd November 2024

Virtual workshop held on: Thursday 12th, Friday 13th, and Saturday 14th December 2024

IMPORTANT: Please note that we limit the number of places at each workshop, so we can guarantee a highly interactive event. Tickets are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment. If no places are available, please contact our Helpdesk at to be placed on our waiting list.

I can recommend the propertyCEO Fast Track course as an excellent first step to understanding small scale property development. All aspects were covered and presented well with a high level of professionalism by both Ritchie and Ian drawing upon their many years of experience. The combined approach of ensuring a correct mindset, focus on the importance of planning and all with good technical advice is what makes this course stand out. Thank you both.

— Chris S.

For more details on exactly what's covered in the workshop, please take a look at the prospectus (no registration required):


Highly Exclusive

On this 3-day virtual workshop you will get to meet the two founders of propertyCEO, Ritchie Clapson and Ian Child in person, who bring together over 75 years of property and business experience.

You'll also spend some time with two highly experienced members of the propertyCEO team. Colin Smith is one of the UK's most experienced planning consultants with an unparalleled knowledge of Permitted Development rights and an ability to navigate planning laws to maximise development opportunities. The workshop will be hosted by Dan Nelson who is an established property developer and land assembly expert with an enviable track record in this sector.

The workshop is highly exclusive, with limited availability at each event. This ensures we can get to know students personally and answer everyone’s questions, something that would be difficult in a larger group.

This is currently the ONLY training workshop that Ritchie and Ian participate in outside of their flagship Mentorship Programme - so be sure to take FULL advantage!

However, please note that this workshop comes with the following health warning:

Property development is not a get-rich-quick occupation, and while it can create life-changing wealth, this necessarily takes time, hard work, perseverance, and skill. Like all wealth-creation strategies, it also carries a degree of risk. Please do NOT attend the workshop unless you are prepared to put in the necessary work needed to get results.

Meet Your Trainers

One of the key benefits of this workshop is that you will be personally trained by Ritchie and Ian, the two founders and co-owners of propertyCEO, as well as two acknowledged industry experts, Colin Smith and Dan Nelson. Let's take a look at their backgrounds:

Ritchie Clapson


Ritchie has over 40 years experience in property development, and is co-founder of propertyCEO, he coaches both novice and experienced property developers how to create substantial returns from small-to-medium scale developments

  • Ritchie’s development pedigree speaks for itself. A qualified structural engineer by profession, he’s not only worked on hundreds of new-build, commercial and industrial conversion projects, he’s also trained and mentored countless developers and property professionals during his long career in the industry
  • A business coach and strategist, he built up one of the country’s leading structural engineering firms and was appointed by the government as peer review engineer for the London 2012 Olympic Stadium
  • Ritchie is a regular visiting expert and panelist at property events across the UK, and is currently involved in numerous development projects
  • He is currently the country's only industry-qualified property development trainer

Ian Child

Ian has over 30 years’ experience in corporate leadership, having led a pan-European business unit for one of the world’s largest private equity companies, with responsibility for nine-figure top-line annual revenues

  • During that time, Ian worked with some of the world’s most dynamic organisations, and learned first-hand how they train their people and their businesses to be successful
  • A passionate advocate and student of mindset coaching, Ian created personalCEO to integrate his extensive business and mindset knowledge into propertyCEO’s training
  • His deep understanding of personal and business branding underpins propertyCEO’s comprehensive training in this area, allowing students to gain credibility as first-time developers
  • Ian oversees propertyCEO’s team of Accountability and Mindset Coaches who work one-to-one with students to help them launch their development businesses and overcome any roadblocks to success
  • Along with Ritchie, he is the co-author of propertyCEO’s Industrial To Residential Conversions book and author of the time management book 'Your Own Personal Time Machine'

Colin Smith

Colin is one of the UK's pre-eminent planning consultants, and has a proven track-record of delivering exceptional results for his clients.

He is an integral part of propertyCEO's technical coaching team and works with propertyCEO's students to help them maximise their profits while navigating the planning system as effectively as possible.

An acknowledged expert on Permitted Development rights, Colin prides himself on finding solutions where most other planners cannot - as you'll discover if you work with propertyCEO!

Dan Nelson

Dan has worked in the property industry for many years and is a seasoned property development and land assembly expert. A long-time mainstay of propertyCEO, Dan and his team build a relationship with every Fast Track student, making sure that they get the most out of the workshop with no questions going unanswered.

Dan's unique blend of property knowledge and coaching skills makes him a hugely popular trainer and the ideal host of the Fast Track workshop over the three days.

The 3-Day Fast Track Workshop was exceptional. Over the past 14 years of being in the industry, I don't know of any other courses that come remotely close.

— Nick P.

A Brief History...

When we started propertyCEO, our aim was to provide the highest quality mentorship programmes for people who were SERIOUS about getting results from property development.

We knew first-hand that there were a lot of holes that first-time developers can fall down, mainly because they simply didn't know what they didn't know. Even experienced developers can easily get caught out - and many do.

But avoiding the pitfalls is only half the story - the other massive benefit of training lies in being able to see opportunity where others can't. Avoiding problems can SAVE you money, but being able to spot opportunities can MAKE you money.

Our focus was always on students getting started on their first development, rather than simply adding another training manual to their bookshelf.

That meant a lot of one-to-one time, a great deal of content, and the creation of a complete end-to-end training package covering every aspect of development. It also meant helping students develop their business skills as well as fine-tuning their mindset to help remove things that were getting in the way.

This has evolved into our Mentorship Programme, which has gone from strength to strength, to become what we believe is the finest coaching programme of its type, anywhere.

However, we recognised that, while the Mentorship Programme can get amazing results for students, it's also a big commitment. Not everyone has the time, money, or appetite to commit.

Plus, some people feel they already have enough information to get started in development. What they need is some highly focused training that just covers the key areas that will make the biggest difference to them.

So, that's when we decided to create the Property Development Fast Track Workshop. We've taken the key areas where we believe we can add the most value to developers who are looking to get started, and put it into a highly interactive format delivered over just 3 days.

And of course, we recognised that some people want to see for themselves how good our training is before making a commitment to be trained by us. So we made sure that:

  • the Fast Track Workshop comes with a 100% money-back guarantee
  • its content has been designed to be the ideal introduction to the Mentorship Programme, so they are a perfect fit

So what exactly are these key skills that we teach budding developers on the Fast Track Workshop?

Well, we cover six of the most important aspects of development:

  • Learn where to find the best deals and how to analyse them
  • Discover how and where to find the money needed to fund development projects
  • Learn how to get credibility, so that agents, lenders, private investors, and professionals all take you seriously from the outset
  • Understand the property development process; not only what's involved but also how you can avoid the many pitfalls
  • Learn the 8 Pillar framework so that you can adopt it for your own business
  • Learn to think outside the box, so you can see profit and opportunity where others can't

We made it a workshop where students are ACTIVELY involved, and not just watching from the sidelines. That's why we keep the numbers deliberately low. This is all about QUALITY and not QUANTITY.

We also include practical tools that you can use to great effect when hunting for deals. Deal analysers, workbooks, and templates - all designed to make your deal hunting easier and quicker.

PLUS we help you create a personal roadmap for the next stage of your journey, whether that be with propertyCEO or on your own.

Why NOW Is The Time...

We’ve recently experienced a series of events that have dramatically changed the world of development, as well as dramatically increasing the appeal of development as a wealth-creation tool:

A Global Recession

Tough times ALWAYS creates opportunities for developers. However, opportunity only comes to developers that take action at the time – the rest get to look back in years to come and say ‘if only I got into development back then…’

Planning Reform Is Happening NOW

The planning system in the UK is undergoing its most radical overhaul ever – and the government’s focus is on making it easier for development projects to go ahead

More Permitted Development Rights

Permitted Development Rights are on the increase, allowing properties to be converted more quickly and with less risk. The government recently announced further PD rights, and these are game-changing!

There's A Massive Housing Shortage

There is a national housing crisis and new homes are desperately needed. The government has already flagged that it is small-scale developers that hold the key, particularly when it comes to converting brown-field sites 

The High Street Is Evolving

The UK’s high streets are dying, and there is a need to create residential and co-living spaces in and around our towns, in order to rejuvenate them 

Working Patterns Have Changed

COVID-19 fundamentally changed the way people work. Working from home means less demand for city offices and more demand for local, flexible workspaces – two great opportunities that developers are able to capitalise on 

propertyCEO's Fast Track 3-day course is exactly what it claims to be: a well-rounded, super-packed, and fairly intensive overview of some of the key dimensions of property development. Unlike other property training courses I've undertaken, all questions were answered as the course progressed and there were no holds barred i.e. this training is about a real development journey, warts and all ('no-nonsense'). Ritchie and Ian's combined knowledge and experience are second to none and this shines through the entire 3 days. The provision of an actual physical workbook through the post was a nice touch as well. Overall, I would thoroughly recommend this Fast Track training course for anyone interested in getting involved in property development.

— Mike L.

A Perfect Storm?

And if that wasn’t enough, we’re likely to see a major adjustment in the price of non-residential property, as some businesses go bust and others downsize.

Yet we have an urgent demand for new homes and different types of working and retail spaces.

It doesn’t take a genius to do the maths – now is a VERY interesting time for getting into development.

In fact, it feels like it could be a perfect storm.


The recession will inevitably force down non-residential property prices


These will require different types of property



Increased rights to develop without full planning permission



Which should make the planning process much simpler

A Better Future

So, there are lots of potential opportunities in development right now.

But there are also a lot of people that are turning to development because they NEED to take action due to what’s happened over the past two years:

  • The financial future for many people looks increasingly bleak. Many have little in the way of a pension, and they’ve no easy way to build up a financial ‘war-chest’ to see them through later life. And the current cost of living crisis certainly isn't helping
  • Landlords have seen themselves taxed and regulated like never before, and many need to find an additional way of growing their portfolios and their income
  • People’s jobs are no longer safe. COVID-19 and the recession combined will see many businesses fail, and unemployment figures look set to rise significantly
  • Many people simply want to live a less stressful life; they are fed up with the current uncertainty and want to create a separate income stream that gives them both a better life and a financial safety net

For others, it may be a case of working smarter when it comes to making money. As many investors have discovered, relying on stocks and shares to create wealth can be a roller-coaster ride, whereas it’s difficult for a piece of land to have its value wiped out.

The Power Of Leverage

Property development is also a highly leveraged model. What does this mean?

  • It means that developers act as the ‘CEO’ of their businesses – they don’t design houses or lay bricks themselves
  • Instead, they build an experienced team of professionals around them who do the lion’s share of the work
  • Developers DO need to create the business, find deals and raise finance
  • However, the key skills they require are ones many people already have; organisational skills, management skills, people skills, and decision-making skills

In fact, most people already use these skills daily in their everyday lives.

And with simple, small-scale development projects producing six-figure profits, it’s no wonder that many people are turning to development as a way of shoring up their future and building a financial safety net.

 And for many, the impact will be life-changing.

Want more info?

We've put together a prospectus which gives you a detailed overview of exactly what we'll be covering on the three-day workshop.

Just click the button below to view (you don't need to register):

I was slightly wary going into this course, due to the bad press/industry views on “just another property course” with hard up-sell at the end. I could not have been any more wrong!  You guys are in a totally different bracket altogether.  

Having left the course, I feel certainly somewhat exposed with my lack of knowledge in this field (this is good awareness). This is a direct result of the way you highlighted the amount we need to know and the potential consequences (losses) if one chooses to go into these types of systems un-educated. As you highlighted through the course; I now simply know what I do not know! 

Again, once again, thank you so much for an amazing three days – Fantastic! 

— Chris P.


Where is the event being held?

It's a virtual workshop so you'll be joining from the comfort of your own home via your laptop, desktop, or device.

How many people will be at the workshop?

We restrict the numbers so that we can have a direct relationship with each student, have time to answer everyone's questions, and also help each student create his or her personal roadmap. Note that the format is a virtual meeting where we can all see and interact with each other, as opposed to a webinar.

Will I be learning actionable content at the workshop, or will I need to do your Mentorship Programme in order to get the good stuff?

Ok, here's the deal. We're not able to teach you EVERY facet of property development in just 3 days. But we CAN give you highly actionable content that will help you find deals, secure finance, help you gain credibility as a developer, and ensure that you leave with a comprehensive understanding of how to be successful in property development. For many people that's exactly the information they need to move forward - they aren't looking for any further training. For others, this workshop will not only help them understand what's involved in development, it will also allow them to assess whether they need further help in order to maximise their chances of success.

Will I get a workbook?

Yes, we aim to send out hard copy workbooks around 3-5 days ahead of the event

How does the Fast Track Workshop integrate with your Mentorship Programme?

Some people may already feel that they have enough information to get into development straight away, in which case the Fast Track workshop is the perfect starting point for them. For others, the Mentorship Programme offers the best solution due to the sheer depth of content and support it provides. But we've designed the Fast Track workshop to complement the Mentorship Programme so that graduates of the workshop will gain a massive head start should they decide to enrol.

I'm interested in the Mentorship programme; what exactly does it cover?

"Comprehensive" barely does it justice. You can access full details HERE.

What if I find the workshop isn't for me, or I don't like the way you teach?

We want you to attend this event with ZERO risk. So, if you get to the half-way point of the workshop and feel that it's not for you, then simply let us know and we will give you a full refund. All we ask is that you return to us any course materials that we've sent you.

What do previous Fast Track students say?

It's always useful to hear from other aspiring developers who have attended propertyCEO's Fast Track Workshop, each with a unique background and history, but all with a common goal of learning more about small-scale property development.

Secure Your Place On One Of The Next Workshops

  • When are they? Choose from 21/22/23 November or 12/13/14 December inclusive
  • Where is it? It's 100% virtual - join in LIVE from home or work on your laptop/desktop
  • Who will be training me? The workshop sessions will be delivered by four trainers; the two founders of propertyCEO, Ritchie Clapson and Ian Child, plus Colin Smith and Dan Nelson
  • Is there a money-back guarantee? Yes, you'll get a FULL REFUND if you cancel at any time up to lunchtime on the second day of the workshop
  • Make things happen - be ready to take advantage of an unprecedented era of development opportunities
  • Act quickly - we limit the number of available places: don't be left behind or miss out

RRP: £1,497 +VAT

Discounted Price of £497+VAT

The next workshop begins in:


Just TWO dates available: